Faz a tua própria prenda de dia de São Valentim!

For this activity, all you need is the Ambarscience Activity Kit… and lots of affection and imagination! Shall we do it? Open your activity book on page 45. You will find a little gift box that we will teach you to assemble and fill with whatever you want!

livro de atividades ambarscience

Start by cutting out the box. It's very simple, just follow the directions and be careful not to hurt yourself!

livro de atividades ambarscience

That wasn't too difficult, was it? Take your time! Now follow the dashed lines and make the necessary folds, as you see in the picture.

livro de atividades ambarscience

Now comes the most creative part! Decorate the outside of your box any way you like and especially to the taste of the person who will receive it. Which colour will they like best? Which designs will they like best? If it is made with love, they will certainly like it! Use the coloured pencils and, if you want, also the AMBAR markers

 livro atividades ambarscience

Was it fun? Wait till you see the result! Now it's time to glue. Just follow the directions in the book and glue the flaps together with a bit of liquid glue. It's super easy!

livro de atividades ambarscience

It's almost done! Now all that's missing is the most fun part... what are you going to put inside? We chose popcorn, but there are lots of options! The important thing is to think about what the other person will like the most and you'll see that the result will be amazing!

ANow that your box is ready, you can spread affection around! Happy Valentine's Day!

This article was written by Babysits, the largest online babysitting platform in Portugal. On this platform, you can find a babysitter near you and quickly get support for your family. 



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