Welcome to ambarscience!
Playing, questioning, imagining, unraveling and learning are the command words of ambarscience. Since 2017, we have created educational toys that provide memorable and fun learning experiences to children.
With ambarscience, Ambar, a portuguese brand recognized for its quality and tradition, which develops, produces and sells school supplies and stationery for over 80 years, begins to be a part of the world of games the youngest.
Ambarscience toys aim to awaken and encourage children’s interest in the STEAM áreas - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics.

O rigor é um dos nossos pilares e, por isso, os conteúdos educativos dos manuais dos nossos brinquedos têm a validação científica e pedagógica da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. Um fator de inclusão dos brinquedos ambarscience é a utilização do ColorADD, o código universal de cores para daltónicos

Accuracy is one of our pilars, and therefore, the educational contents of our toys manuals have the scientific and pedagogical validation of the University of Porto. A factor of inclusion of ambarscience toys is the use of Color Add, the universal color code for color blind.
Areas of development and skills worked on our toys