Due to their playful, challenging and fun componente, games and puzzles encourage the development of executive functions linked to learning and stimulate:
-logical reasoning and visual memory.
-self-esteem, through overcoming challenges.
- fine motricity
- the ability to solve problems.
- social and cooperation skills.
Games and puzzles provide moments of great fun and entertainment and are fantastic activities to do with family and friends.

Due to their playful, challenging and fun componente, games and puzzles encourage the development of executive functions linked to learning and stimulate:
-logical reasoning and visual memory.
-self-esteem, through overcoming challenges.
- fine motricity
- the ability to solve problems.
- social and cooperation skills.
Games and puzzles provide moments of great fun and entertainment and are fantastic activities to do with family and friends.

Due to their playful, challenging and fun componente, games and puzzles encourage the development of executive functions linked to learning and stimulate:
-logical reasoning and visual memory.
-self-esteem, through overcoming challenges.
- fine motricity
- the ability to solve problems.
- social and cooperation skills.
Games and puzzles provide moments of great fun and entertainment and are fantastic activities to do with family and friends.

It’s fun to investigate, question and seek answers to challenges through experimental component. Ambarscience scientific toys stimulate children’s interest in experimental science and develop:
-critical thinking;
-knowledge, through contact with the scientific method.
-logical reasoning.
Furhermore, they put children in contact with experimental method and with the bases of technological knowledge, essential for their integration in today’s world

Crafts, drawings, paintings with different materials, constructions “make believe” games are some of the creative activities of ambarscience.
These activities in addition to providing moments of fun develop essencial skills such as:
-color perception.
-logical reasoning and visual memory.
-fine motor skills.
-the transmition of emotions and self-expression.
-critical thinking and problem solving.
Through their creative ability, children create and transform their own toys, exploring games that will contribute to their healthy growth, enhancing their interaction with others.

Experiences in natural sciences and ecology provide an awareness of the different relationships between the human being and their surroundings, as well as an understanding of the impact of human action on the environment.
Ambarscience toys aim to develop:
- curiosity and environmental awareness.
-attention and observation abilities.
-social and cooperation skills.
-the ability to know how to wait.
In addition to instilling in children the need to protect nature, reduce the ecological footprint and encourage the reuse of natural resources, ambarscience toys also promote pleasant outdoor family moments.
Experiences in natural sciences and ecology provide an awareness of the different relationships between the human being and their surroundings, as well as an understanding of the impact of human action on the environment.
Ambarscience toys aim to develop:
- curiosity and environmental awareness.
-attention and observation abilities.
-social and cooperation skills.
-the ability to know how to wait.
In addition to instilling in children the need to protect nature, reduce the ecological footprint and encourage the reuse of natural resources, ambarscience toys also promote pleasant outdoor family moments

Experiences in natural sciences and ecology provide an awareness of the different relationships between the human being and their surroundings, as well as an understanding of the impact of human action on the environment.
Ambarscience toys aim to develop:
- curiosity and environmental awareness.
-attention and observation abilities.
-social and cooperation skills.
-the ability to know how to wait.
In addition to instilling in children the need to protect nature, reduce the ecological footprint and encourage the reuse of natural resources, ambarscience toys also promote pleasant outdoor family moments.